

Waow.. it’s been like forever since the last time I wrote a few notes. I never imagined getting back to work and juggling work, family, ministry and the little one would be so time consuming- it’s like I’m constantly on the move.

However, these last few months have been easier with the help of my support system: my loving husband, my beck-and-call sister and caring friends around me.


TIPS: Never think letting everyone know you’re not a “superwoman” diminishes who you are. you might be surprised how many people are willing to help but you never asked. When people are around:

1. Leverage them to get some errands done or allow them baby sit. No one can resist cuddling a baby for a few minutes.

2. If you’re tired and need to take a nap, say so and go do it without feeling ashamed. Everyone would understand you’re a nursing mother.

See you sooner than you think.

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  1. Pingback: Phew!!! | @theLoveCafeseries

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